giving you steps and ways to manifest the life of your dreams and live your best life
Stop procrastinating in 3 steps
not so easy but easy
there are many things that cause us to procrastinate and end up giving up on our dreams, goals and visions, they drive fear and anxiety into our hearts the moment we experience these very same things that cause us to fear. so in this article i will outline three steps to help you stop procrastinating.
Step 1
Overcome fear. procrastination is driven by many things but at the heart of them all is fear and it is a huge driver of all the stagnation in our lives, whether this fear is borne from a legitimate experience or our anxiety but the reality is thank its still there and still has the ability to hold us back from moving ahead in life, work and otherwise. overcoming fear means confronting the fears that you have to sit down with yourself have an in-depth conversation with yourself, ask yourself the critical questions and answer them honestly based on what your questions and answers are you would have tackled the things that bring you fear. for example ask yourself "what if it doesn't work?" a possible answer might be " it was a great experience trying something new and i learned a lot" or "what will people say?" a possible answer might be, the opinions of others don't matter that much to me not unless they are bringing constructive criticisms that help me build on what i'm working on. overcoming your fears needs you to be honest with yourself.
Step 2
Act. actions speak louder than words and you if are to break the cycle of procrastination than action is the best place to start. most people who procrastinate oftentimes overthink even the simplest of matters and end up acting on nothing as time passes they play out scenarios in their heads weighing their options but the reality is that all that you think about will not see any success until you find to put those ideas and thoughts into actions. it is said that "the best place to plant a tree was ten years ago and today". now is the time to act and get over the excessive thinking. the late Dr Mysles Munroe once said " the wealthiest place in the world is the graveyard because that is where all the dreams, visions and ideas were never acted upon" refuse to die with your wealth and ideas.
Step 3
Don't stop. when acting on your goals visions and dreams whether you start small or big the trick is not to stop, if Pablo Picasso drew one painting and ended his career, even if that was the best painting of the world chances are many would not know him today. if Beyoncé sang one song and stopped there we would have forgotten about her and her talents, consistency is the key to access greatness and proof of mastery is being able to deliver the same if not better result over and over again. keep going because as you carry on, on your quest you get the opportunity to master your skill, being consistent is perhaps by far the greatest trait of all successful people, businesses and enteties. after overcoming fear, acting on your dreams goals and desires, the final key is do not stop.
success is for the brave, are you brave enough to succeed and achieve all your dreams and goals or are you going to sit there one more day waiting for an opportunity that is right your fingertips.
K. Mbambo